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Five useful tips on social media

Social media is like a weaponry that is full of ammunitions and is ready to fire. However, there are chances of backfire if this weaponry is not used properly without proper strategy and planning.

Today, I will be sharing some useful tips on how to use social media.

1) Have objective clarity: Any social media campaign without objective clarity is like 'a gun without bullets'. If you want your social media presence to be effective, have clarity of objectives. You should have answers to questions like why am i here? what i want to achieve, and how much time i have to achieve that goal? This will help you plan accurate and effective social media campaign.

2) Have efficiency: You have to be very efficient in your social media presence. This efficiency is in terms of your conversation and interaction with your target audience. In social media, it is very important what you say and how you say. You should not have 'casual' approach towards your conversation with your audience. Be alert and 'on your toe' to impress and engage your audience.

3) Have life: Social media is all about live interaction and discussion. Make sure you are not missing out any conversations and interactions mentioning you. This will assure your target audience that you are listening to them. Additionally, do not neglect any reply (positive or negative) on your social media posts. This will help you keep your social media presence interactive and collaborative.

4) Have updated profile: Social media users are looking out for updated and current information. Therefore, to make your social media presence felt, keep your social media profile updated and current. This will assure other users that you are active and live on these platforms, and this can trigger a healthy discussion.

5) Have expanded network: No social media campaign can be successful without the network. If you will not get connected with your audience, then the value of your social media presence will be 'zero'. Your network will help you circulate your business, products and services in an efficient manner. This will create a buzz word for you. Consider this as an advertising exercise that comes absolutely 'free'.

More social media tips will be followed in the upcoming posts.

Till then, stay connected!


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